Saturday, January 2, 2010


God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things that I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Thank you for those being there in my time of need. I love my best friends and family for taking time out of their day to check on me during my time of need. I don't want you to feel disrespected or be upset at my decision: its my decision. One that i have to deal with for the rest of my life, and the other party that is involved. This is a personal matter and it will be handled accordingly. I hope you guys respect my decision and understand that i am doing this for me and i am comfortable with it . Sometimes there is more to life than revenge or punishment. Sure my decision might make me look weak, but i know i am strong and i did it to settle my mind and spirit. Maybe its not the proper one, maybe i have a problem. It wont happen again to me, and it had changed my view on things in general. It takes a lot to go through legalities and illegalities. However, it takes more to forgive. Being from a home where one parent practice Buddhism and the other one Christianity, i feel that i may have done the right decision. This is a hard time and it too shall pass. God never puts more on me than i can bare. i dont have any malice in my heart toward this person. if i am not social, or i make myself unavailable to contact, its because i am taking the necessary precautions to fix me. i don't want to be a victim and this incident shows me that i should trust my gut, and know that you NEVER know what can happened.

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