Saturday, January 16, 2010

verbal vomit/ stream of consciousness part 3

During the last sixteen day of the new year and i have already learned a lot . Some people are in your life for seasons, some are for a lifetime, then others are somewhat like a leap year, they show up every once and a while. From going through a situation, which i have been and still am traumatized from to some typical as school yard bullshit, i have learned that you shouldn't run away from certain situations, which is what i tend to do. I don't like dealing with stressful situations because i tend to focus on it . i tend to get myself into these situations because i either i sympathize for a person, or i just act without thinking . I am an emotional creature. Sure i need to think, but in the heat of the moment , your not thinking about that. As a 22 year old woman that is my biggest vice. More then road rage, more than getting "attached" or anything else. I am a very nice person but i also have a tendency to be the most evil bitch you would ever meet. Its funny how fast you can be off a person when they screw you over or how sometimes the fake people tend to leave you high and dry when you have gone to shit. At times the real in your life won't even be there for you because you all ready screwed them over. It leaves you alone and to yourself. Being mean leave you a lone and to yourself, most of all being alone, leaves you alone and yourself. People wonder about you when they don't see you. but most of the time its out of sight , out of mind.

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